Madagascar photography tour

A 23 day trip allows you to capture incredible images of the wonders of Madagascar. From the eroded limestone of the Tsingy of Bemaraha and the Baobab Avenue in the West, to the sandstone canyons of Isalo and the tropical rainforests of the eastern mountains. The trip offers the opportunity to see fauna with shimmering colors and unusual morphology such as lemurs, chameleons, birds … The local people and their mysterious traditions will fascinate you. No way for a lack of inspiration during this trip dedicated to photography in Madagascar!

Madagascar Touring
Specification of the circuit
  • Destination : South
  • Duration : 23 Days and 22 Nights
  • Period : May to November
  • Type : Special Interest Tour
  • Recommended vehicles : 4x4
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Madagascar Touring
Specification of the circuit
  • Destination : South
  • Duration : 23 Days and 22 Nights
  • Period : May to November
  • Type : Special Interest Tour
  • Recommended vehicles : 4x4
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Madagascar Touring
Specification of the circuit
  • Destination : South
  • Duration : 23 Days and 22 Nights
  • Period : May to November
  • Type : Special Interest Tour
  • Recommended vehicles : 4x4
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Le fameux couché et levé du soleil sur l’Allé des baobabs, Les « Tsingy » du Parc National de Bemaraha, Les pêcheurs du village de Betania, Vivre l’état sauvage et primitif dans la forêt primaire du parc national de Ranomafana et Andasibe, Le lever du soleil au camp catta, Les montagnes sableuses de l’Isalo, le coché du soleil de la fenêtre de l’Isalo, la reine de l’Isalo, la botte de l’Isalo, le rat du Parc national de l’Isalo

Madagascar Touring 4 famous National
Parks and some
Private Reserves
Madagascar Touring The West, East, Center
and Southern parts
of Madagascar
Madagascar Touring The Baobab Alley
and its panoramic view
Madagascar Touring Scenes of
local people
everyday life

Itinerary details

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Madagascar Touring day 1

Welcoming by Madagascar Touring team on arrival. Transfer to the hotel in the city. Check-in. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 2

Pick up from the hotel and start exploring the Capital from the lower to the higher town. After the visit, head to Antsirabe in the South. On the way, we can have photos of the beautiful landscapes, different arts, etc.

Madagascar Touring day 3

Full day drive to reach Morondava. Stops along the way for photography: people working in the farm, gold panning etc. Lunch at Miandrivazo. Continue the trip in the afternoon through more African scenery. Before arriving, detour to the baobab alley, one of the most pictured spot in the world for the sunset. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Madagascar Touring day 4

Early drive to Baobab Alley for the sunrise. Again, that gives us another sight of the amazing big trees. Continuation to Kirindy on a dirt road to explore the dry deciduous forest which is home to a very rich wildlife. Then, afternoon free. Late in the evening, back to the forest for a night walk. Dinner and overnight at the lodge.

Madagascar Touring day 5

Another morning to spot more wildlife, especially the two species of day active lemurs feeding or chilling out in the trees. Get on board of the car and back on the road again to get to the village of Bekopaka. Two ferry crossings with a stop at the town of Belo sur Tsiribihina for lunch. Dinner and overnight at the Hotel.

Madagascar Touring day 6

We start the Morning by river trip with a dugout pirogue at the gorge of Manambolo for 2 hours to see caves of stalactites and old tombs of Vazimba people. After the gorge of Manambolo, we continue with the visit of the small Tsingy. Picnic lunch in the Park. Back to the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 7

Full day trekking into the Grand Tsingy which is 17km from the village of Bekopaka. It consists of exploring, the limestone formation of Madagascar. Walkways and wooden bridges, well integrated into the landscape, will help you to do the visit easily in the area of Great Tsingy. Picnic lunch. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Madagascar Touring day 8

Leave Bekopaka from the morning to go back to Morondava. Ferry crossings and lunch at the town of Belo sur Tsiribihina. After lunch, we may have photography of the forest of baobab all along the way back. Then, another stops at the baobab alley for more photography of the sunset. Transfer to the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 9

Get on board of a local pirogue in the morning to  the small fisherman village of Betania. We will meet men taking out fish from their nets and women waiting with their bucket to buy the fish and re-sell them to the market. Back to the hotel for lunch. Afternoon free with a possibility to visit the market of the town. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 10

Full day drive to get back to the city of Antsirabe. We may have many Short stops on the way for more pictures of the beautiful landscapes. Lunch at the town of Miandrivazo. Arrival late in the afternoon. Check-in at the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 11

Day to link Antsirabe and Ranomafana. Lunch at the town of Ambositra. This town is also the capital of the woodcarvings of the country, and we can have a walk to visit the market after lunch. Continue the drive during the afternoon. Arrival in the evening, check in. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 12

A whole morning dedicated to explore Ranomafana NP. The hike gives us an opportunity to see the beauty of the forest as well as some rare endemic lemurs. Lunch after the visit. Afternoon free with a possibility to have a short walk around the town. In the evening, meet the guide for an evening walk to see some more wildlife. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 13

Leave Ranomafana to reach Camp Catta. We will pass by the city of Fianarantsoa where we may have a short walk in the famous old town. Stop at Ambalavao to see some workshop (silk, paper making…). Lunch before being back on the road. The last part of the journey during the afternoon is on a dirt road. Check-in on arrival. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 14

Earlier in the morning, out for the sunrise to get a stunning picture of the Tsaranoro Mountain. Breakfast, then meet the local guide to go for the hike for more discoveries and more photography. Dinner and overnight at the lodge.

Madagascar Touring day 15

Leave Camp Catta in the morning to continue the journey to the South. Stop at the town of Ihosy for lunch. From there, about 2 hours drive to get to Ranohira passing by Horombe plateau stretching out of sight. It is the largest plateau of the island and home for herd of Zebu of the Bara. Evening free. Dinner and overnight at the hotel

Madagascar Touring day 16

Full day excursion in Isalo NP. Drive to the bottom side of the massif to begin the excursion towards the natural pool and continue until the canyon of Namaza. A packed lunch will be taken inside the park which is a nice shelter for lemurs, birds… Drive to the “Fenêtre de l’Isalo” for a sunset photography. Dinner and Overnight at the Hotel

Madagascar Touring day 17

Morning drive to Ifaty. We will pass by the town of Ilakaka (the city of sapphire) where we can visit the sapphire mine. The landscape will change almost every 100 km. Arrival at the town of Tulear around midday. Lunch and continue the journey to Ifaty for about 45 minutes. Installation at the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 18

One full day at leisure at the seaside of Ifaty. Optional activities (snorkeling, diving, and visit of the spiny forest…) can be organized by the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 19

Transfer to the airport of Tulear to take the flight back to Antananarivo. Meet the driver and transfer to the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 20

Morning pick up from the hotel. City tour to enjoy the view from the upper town before starting to drive towards Andasibe. At about half way, stop at Madagascar Exotic Park, a small reserve which holds several genus of reptiles. Check the amazing leaf-tailed gecko and a lot of colorful chameleons. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Madagascar Touring day 21

Morning drive to Andasibe Mantadia NP. It is the opportunity to meet endemic species like the rare birds or endemic lemurs etc. Picnic lunch. Then, afternoon visit at Vakona private reserve and get ‘in touch’ with those lemurs. Later, night walk in search of nocturnal species of lemurs, chameleons, frogs etc Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Madagascar Touring day 22

Morning hike at Analamazaotra National Park. This is the best place to meet the largest species of lemur, the Indri Indri. Meet some birds, reptiles and many others. After the visit, lunch in the nearby restaurant. Then afternoon drive back to Antananarivo. Transfer to the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Madagascar Touring day 23

Transfer to the airport to take the international flight. End of the program.

  • Accommodations in hotel during the whole trip
  • Half-board (breakfast and dinner) during the entire trip
  • All transportations by 4WD car with an English-speaking driver and all the fuels, road taxes and parking
  • All the activities mentioned in the program (Entrance fees, local guides at each park and reserve)
  • The domestic flight: Toliara – Antananarivo
  • All lunches during the entire trip
  • All activities not mentioned in the program and during the day at leisure
  • Gratuities (tips), drinks and personal expenses
  • International flights
  • Insurances and Taxes
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