Transit in Antananarivo

This option allows you:
– To initiate yourself to the tastes of the culture of the highlands, considered as the center of any form of existing culture in Madagascar.
– To discover new horizons and shared atmospheres at the time of your transfer.
– To secure your international flight if at the start or end of your vacation you have a free day waiting in Madagascar.
– Discover animals, lemurs, plants, baobabs, historical heritage that you have not had the chance to see during the trip.

Ampefy : land of volcanoes Circuit West
Highlights :

Third biggest lake of Madagascar
Lily waterfall, lemurs’ park

Period : January to December Discover
Ampefy : land of volcanoes
  • 2 Days
  • 1 Nights
Andasibe : close to nature Circuit East
Highlights :
The Highland and the East
Fauna and flora of Andasibe Nationa Park
Period : January to December Discover
Andasibe : close to nature
  • 3 Days
  • 2 Nights
Antananarivo : Circuit Center
Highlights :

Historical sites : Rova, monuments..
Private reserves : Lemur’s park, Tsarasaotra…

Period : January to December Discover
Antananarivo : "the city of Thousand"
  • 1 Days
  • 0 Nights
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